Thursday, October 21, 2010

Meet Jerry Bernardo - Official MC for the Crusty Demons Tour

Meet Jerry Bernardo or as we like to call him - the third Fader. Jerry Bernardo is a veteran of 18 years in the motorbike television industry in the US. He has covered just about everything from Crusty Demons to X Games, Dakar Rally and the Running of the Bulls. The two-time Cable Ace nominated show host is about as mad as a cut snake while retaining the ability to engage the audience with every story he spins. If you are weak-kneed and easily embarrassed do not go out in public with him. Boston, Massachusetts born Bernardo says whatever he thinks without blinking an eye. Dubbed once as "Caution: Contents Slightly Damaged" he is a quick witted and funny bloke who would give you the shirt off his back, if he likes you. If not, I reckon a UFC elbow would be more the go. Safe around children and scary to nuns, Jerry will keep you in a non-drug induced state of entertainment. Do not give him Red Bull on an empty stomach, that's what his doctor told us. Check out this video of Jerry we made in Perth at rehearsals for the Crusty Demons tour!

Video edited by Never Dead.

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha I just loved it. Very Jerry : )
    Oh and I absolutely love the song!!!
